Wednesday, February 4, 2009 server down again

At 3:49 pm I found server was locked up again. I rebooted the server and checked it's log files. From the log entries it locked up at around 11:40 am. As with the previous lock ups there were no entries in the log to explain why the server locked up.

I called 1and1 tech support again and told them the server was still having the same problem as before they worked on it. He wanted me to backup the server again and to re-image the operating system again. He claims there's no proof that the server is bad so they won't replace the server unless I order another one. Apparently at 1and1 a server that crashes three or four times a day is still considered a good server.

I told him I'd contact the company's management tomorrow morning and complain about the bad service.

For now I'll have to just get up every few hours all night and check the server.