The 1and1 server stopped responding about 5 minutes ago. I tried to ping it and got no response. Then I tried to ssh into it, unable to connect. When I connected to the serial console it had the same thing on it as some of the other lockups:
RAID1 conf printout:
--- wd:2 rd:2
disk 0, wo:0, o:1, dev:sda7
disk 1, wo:0, o:1, dev:sdb7
and it wouldn't respond either.
By the time that I logged into the 1and1 control panel to tell it to reboot the server the server started responding again. It began to respond to pings and let me ssh into it. I thought maybe it had been rebooted by someone else but the uptime command says 25 days so it didn't reboot.
I don't know what could make it stop responding for 5 minutes and then resume normal operation. With both the network and serial console not responding it should have been dead until a reboot. I hate this crummy server. I've got to make time to move the remaining sites to another server so I can dump this one.